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EPA Improves U.S. — Mexico Border with Environmental Projects

Publicado febrero 28, 2014

EPA Improves U.S. — Mexico Border with Environmental Projects

More than $720,000 for improving air monitoring, expanding waste collection, improving water quality and other priorities

DALLAS – (Feb. 27, 2014) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded more than $720,000 in grants to fund 16 environmental projects along the Texas and New Mexico U.S-Mexico border. The projects include improving air monitoring, expanding waste collection and recycling, and improving environmental awareness and education among area residents.

“At EPA, we are always looking for ways to help communities identify and solve problems. It’s one of the most important parts of our job,” said Regional Administrator Ron Curry. “Funding these 16 projects will help kick-start work to protect places along the border where people live, work, and play.”

The funds were awarded in partnership with the Border Environment Cooperation Commission, under the bi-national U.S.-Mexico Environmental Program, Border 2020. The projects selected address the public health and environmental protection goals of the Border 2020 Program and are part of the overall environmental funding available for the border region.

Last year marked the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the 30thanniversary of the La Paz Agreement, which established the legal framework for cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico in protecting the environment of the border region. Through these agreements, EPA has made significant investments that have resulted in major environmental benefits including more than 570 tons of e-waste properly disposed or recycled, the removal of more than 12 million scrap tires from dump sites border wide, and the connection of households to drinking water and wastewater services benefitting the more than 8.5 million border residents.

The following organizations received grants:
City of Ojinaga, Chihuahua (Mexico) – Received $14,327 to improve air quality monitoring

New Mexico Environment Department – Received $100,000 to provide training on soil control, maintaining septic tanks, and conserving water

Adult Youth United Development Association, Inc. – Received $50,072 for septic tank maintenance workshops

University of Texas Pan American, Rio Grande, Texas – Received $26,022 for stormwater management projects

Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable, Nuevo León, México ­­­­– Received $21,798 for waste management and recycling projects

Public Works Department, City of Pharr, Texas – Received $20,000 to support  a monthly cleanup program

Water Utilities, City of El Paso, Texas – Received $6,220 to promote rainwater harvesting

Comisión Estatal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios en Ciudad Juárez (COESPRIS),  Juárez, Chihuahua, México – Received $43,076 to track air quality data and incidents of respiratory disease in local hospitals and clinics

El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Piedras Negras, Coahuila, México – Received $39,875 to collect, track, and follow up on environmental and health information

Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas – Received $89,750 to study effects on air quality from short-haul, cross-border transport of trade

Department of Environment, Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico – Received $44,200 to improve water quality and habitat for plants and wildlife

Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, Texas – Received $66,470 to support waste management and recycling efforts

Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Valle de Juárez, Chihuahua, México – Received $44,850 to develop a program to use biosolids as agricultural fertilizer

City of Alamo, Texas – Received $54,838 to improve solid waste management and recycling and improve environmental stewardship

Comisión Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México – Received $32,533 to reduce fats, oils, and grease entering the water system from restaurants and hotels

La Amistad AHEC dba Southwest Border AHEC, Eagle Pass, Texas – Received $69,083 to educate families on the dangers of exposure to mercury, lead, and pesticides

The Border 2020 Program is a bi-national collaborative effort with a mission is to protect human health and the environment in the U.S.-Mexico border region. BECC is an international organization established for the purpose of preserving, protecting, and enhancing the environment in the U.S. – Mexico border region.

For more information on the Border 2020 Program, please visit:  More about activities in EPA Region 6:

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